
Licensing | Republication Permissions

For any commercial reproduction of Foundry (formally 香港六合资料 Communications) content, you must request permission and purchase a license.

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CIO, CSO, Computerworld, InfoWorld, Network World
For e-prints, badge and quote licensing, brochures, advertising and promotional uses, and more for the above listed Foundry brands, please contact our partner, YGS Group, at

Macworld, PCWorld, & TechHive
For e-prints, badge and quote licensing, brochures, advertising and promotional uses, and more for the above listed Foundry brands, please contact our partner, Wrights 香港六合资料 at, at 香港六合资料@Wrights香港六合资料.com.

If you have any other questions and would like to speak with a representative at Foundry, please e-mail